August 15, 2004

Dummies Guide to CP and Faffing

When you got to do CP, you have to be indubitably mesmerizing! Here are some words that will help you entrall, entrance and hypnotize your sectionmates.

1. flibbertigibbet: a silly flighty person
2. kerfuffle: to become disheveled
3. persnickety: fussy about small details
4. callipygian: having shapely buttocks
5. discombobulate: confuse
6. onomatopoeia: the use of words whose sound suggests the sense (buzz, hiss)
7. phantasmagoria: a bizarre or fantastic combination
8. obstreperous: tubbornly resistant to control, unruly
9. lugubrious: mournful, dismal
10. myrmidon: a loyal follower (See also: Quisling)
11. palimpsest: parchment used after the earlier writing has been erased
12. galumph: to move with a clumsy heavy tread
13. fandango: a lively Spanish or Spanish-American dance
14. oubliette: a dungeon with an opening only at the top
15. haberdashery: a shop selling men's clothing and accessories
16. chiaroscuro: pictorial representation in terms of light and shade without regard to color
17. lagniappe: a small gift given a customer by a merchant
18. copacetic: very satisfactory

How many of these did you know, Tiger? None? Shucks, now mug them up and show off in the CP tomorrow? OK?


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